TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification (Pvt.) Ltd.

Technical Trainings

Technical Training

TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification design and deliver a uniform and detailed approach to training:

  • Training provider for multi-national companies for decades
  • Designed and implemented training for thousands of people in numerous countries
  • Directly employed instructors rather than consultants, guaranteeing consistency and quality delivery of learning
  • Ability to design and implement training for thousands
  • Proven return on investment (ROI)
  • Multi-lingual capabilities of the instructors  
  • Simultaneous interpretation available for other languages
  • Efficient and Valued outcome guaranteed based on the experienced administrative group
  • Single source invoicing and possible economies of scale.
Technical Trainings

Fall Protection

Ask Ten Different People what fall protection means, and you’re likely to get ten different answers. For many in the construction industry, equipment that comes to mind are guardrails, personal fall protection systems, like fall arrest, or perhaps safety nets. But Fall protection is more than equipment; Fall Protection is anything you do to eliminate and prevent falls or make sure that workers who do fall are not injured. Fall protection is not a System, and it’s how you look at a job or task. Beyond that, you can even say it’s a commitment.

Fire Fighting

Fire Fighting is the act of extinguishing fires. A fire Fighter suppresses and extinguishes fires to protect lives and prevent the destruction of property and the environment. In addition, fire Fighters may provide other valuable services to their communities, including emergency medical services.

Fire Fighting demands a professional approach. Consequently, many Fire Fighters achieve a high degree of technical skill due to years of training and developing specialist expertise in particular fire.

First Aid

First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious condition before professional medical help is available, such as performing CPR while awaiting an ambulance and the complete treatment of minor diseases, such as applying a plaster to a cut.

First aid is generally performed by the layperson, with many people trained in providing basic levels of first aid and others willing to do so from acquired knowledge. Mental Health first aid is an extension of the concept of first aid to cover mental health.

Accident Investigation

“If you think safety is expensive, try an accident” There are good financial Reasons for reducing accidents and ill health. For every 1$ a business spends on insurance, it can be losing between 8 and 36 in uninsured costs.

The same accidents repeatedly happen, causing suffering and distress to an ever-widening circle of workers and their families. The investigation and analysis of work-related accidents and incidents form an essential part of managing health and safety. However, learning the lessons from what you uncover is at the heart of preventing accidents and incidents. Identify what is wrong and take positive steps to put it right.

Arial Boom Lift Operator

Created in the 1950s by Canadian Walter E. Thornton-Trump, boom lifts have made working at heights safer and more efficient for construction workers, maintenance personnel, and others. With their long-reaching arms, boom lifts can lift personnel, tools, and materials to heights ranging from 10 feet to 100 feet or more.

Walter E. Thornton-Trump originally named his invention the Giraffe. However, the name never stuck, though it became known as the cherry pecker due to its usefulness in harvesting. Even though Boom lifts are useful in many different industries, they are not without their dangers. People can and have been injured or even killed while operating these machines.

Atmosphere Gas Testing & Monitoring

“If you think safety is expensive, try an accident” There are good financial Reasons for reducing accidents and ill health. For every 1$ a business spends on insurance, it can be losing between 8 and 36 in uninsured costs.

The same accidents repeatedly happen, causing suffering and distress to an ever-widening circle of workers and their families. The investigation and analysis of work-related accidents and incidents form an essential part of managing health and safety. However, learning the lessons from what you uncover is at the heart of preventing accidents and incidents. Identify what is wrong and take positive steps to put it right.

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) protects users against oxygen deficiency, dust, toxic gases, fire and smoke. It provides breathable air in IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health) atmosphere. Self-Contained means “ensure everything is included, ready to go”. A Self Contained Apparatus may also be called a Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus (CABA).

The five components of the system combine to allow a firefighter to operate in a dangerous environment safely. Proper maintenance of all parts is required to ensure the system does not fail.

Parts of SCBA are:

  • Cylinder
  • Cylinder Valve
  • Back Plate
  • Harness Assembly
  • High-Pressure Hose
  • Low-Pressure Hose
  • Pressure Gauge
  • Pressure Reducer
  • Warning Whistle
  • Face Piece.

Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety

It recognizes the hazards of gas cylinders and the protective measures needed to stay safe on the job.

Gas cylinders can contain up to 2500psi

  • Mishandling can result in damage to the cylinder shell and create an explosion of dangerous shrapnel.
  • Secure cylinders upright with a chain or strap to prevent tip-over
  • Always keep cylinder caps on when not in use.
  • Use proper warning signs in areas where cylinders are stored.
  • Do not store in sunlight
  • Keep oxygen cylinders at least 20 feet away from all flammable materials-including cylinders containing flammables.
  • Do not store them in enclosed lockers. Keep cylinders in well-ventilated areas.
  • Knocking the top off a gas cylinder can create a “lorpedo”.

Gas Cylinders often contain hazardous material

  • Flammables
  • Oxidizers
  • Inhalation Hazards

Confined Space Entry

The space is large enough and so configured that employees can choose bodily enter and perform assigned work.

  • The Employee can fit entirely inside the space.
  • The standard is only intended to apply to a space large enough and configured so the entire body of an employee to enter.

The space has limited or restricted means for entry or exit

  • Portals
  • Hatches
  • Maintenance holes
  • Ladders
  • Spiral Stairways
  • Crawl Spaces.

Confined Space Entry (Stand by Man)

The space is large enough and so configured that employees can use bodily enter and perform assigned work.

  • it has limited or restricted means of entry, exit or both
  • It is not designed for continuous human occupancy.

Responsibilities of Stand by Man

  • He should know about the hazards of confined space.
  • He should know the Emergency Plan.
  • Managing list for entry and exit of persons working confined space
  • Guided to workers about hazards of confined space
  • Provide guidelines to workers entering in confined space for working
  • Ensure that the permit has been taken.

Construction Site General Safety

Construction Sites are dangerous places to work. Every year, thousands of people are injured at work on construction sites. So if you work in construction, it’s even more critical that you put health and safety into everything you do: follow these simple construction site safety rules to keep yourself and others safe.

Wear your PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) at all times. When you enter the site, make sure you have the PPE you need. It’s your last line of defense should you come into contact with a hazard on site.

Safety boots give you grip and protect your feet. Hard hats are easily replaced, but your skull isn’t. it can’t protect you if you don’t wear them. So wear your hard hat, safety boots, and hi-vis as a minimum, along with any additional PPE required for the task being carried out.

COSHH (Control of Substance Hazardous to Health)

The best way to understand what COSHH is to determine what the letters stand for, which is, The control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations Act 2002

These are regulations to keep us safe from chemicals and other substances in the workplace – that we do not want to have anywhere near us. Or at least not without the correct safety equipment and precautions in place.

The name of this legislation is quite a mouthful, so you’ll find most people relating to it as “COSHH.”

  • Substances classified as dangerous to health under the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002.
  • Their warning label can identify these, and the supplier must provide a ‘safety data sheet’ for them.

Crane Rigging

‘Rigging’ refers to any equipment used to attach a load to a crane’s hook or load block. Rigging is an essential part of safe crane operations. Unsafe rigging can cause unstable or falling loads, which can lead to equipment damage and worker injury.

An adequately rigged load is well within the equipment’s load capacity, is stable and secure, and presents a minimal danger to equipment or personnel.

Safe Rigging depends on these primary factors:

  • Load Edge Sharpness – The corners of a load can weaken or break a sling.
  • Load Capacity – The load capacity refers to how much the Rigging can lift.
  • Stability of the Load – The load should be secure in the Rigging and not in danger of shifting or falling.

Defensive Driving

“Driving to save lives, and money, despite the conditions around you and the actions of others.” – National Safety Council

  • Obey all the rules of the road all the time
  • Keep your vehicle Roadworthy
  • and not Overloaded
  • Wear Seatbelts and ensure all passengers are Buckled Up
  • Adjust and Reduce Speed to Traffic, Road and Weather Conditions
  • Allow yourself the Time and Space to respond to emergencies
  • Always stay alert and Sober behind the steering wheel
  • Avoid Distractions While Driving
  • Maintain a safe following distance
  • Do not assume safety. Anticipate Potential Errors by other Road Users.

Excavation Operator

It is an artificial cut, trench, or depression in an earth surface from by earth removal.

Manual Excavation – Earth Removal by Persons

Mechanical Excavation – Earth Removal by Using Equipment

Hazards of Excavation

  • Underground Utilities
  • Presence of Toxic Gases
  • Falling of Removal Soil
  • Nearby structures and their conditions
  • Flooding
  • Overhead lines
  • Collapsing of Excavation Wall/Cave-in
  • Fall of person/material/tools in the excavation
  • Water accumulation in the excavation.

Forklift Operator

A forklift is a small industrial vehicle with a power-operated forked platform attached at the front that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a cargo to lift or move it. Forklifts serve the needs of various industries, including warehouses and other extensive storage facilities.

Hazard Related to Forklift

Attachments – Attachments are a source of several Forklift Hazard since different attachments affect both the lifts’ operating clearances and overall capacity attachments and add weight to a lift and reduce the load capacity.

Fueling – Refueling and recharging pose potential safety hazards due to the fuel’s flammability risk. Diesel and Propane are both flammable, while battery recharging generates combustible gas. Due to this, you should never smoke near a refuelling or recharging area.

Front End Loader Operator

Front End Loaders are also commonly referred to as wheels’ loaders, pay loaders, bucket loaders, skip loaders, scoops, and shovels. True to their many names, they are versatile machines capable of performing many tasks, including stockpiling, material handling, heavy lifting, demolition, grading, landscaping, excavations, backfilling, snow plowing, bale stacking, log removal, and so on.

During this course, we will look at the functionality and components of a front-end loader. We’ll also show you why it’s essential to conduct a thorough pre-shift inspection each day before using this equipment. We will look at machine stability and the importance of knowing the loader’s capacity and working within those limits. Finally, we’ll emphasize the importance of planning each job and setting up the machine and site properly to avoid hazards and obstacles around the worksite.

Gas Pipeline Construction Safety

TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification conducts strength testing on its natural gas transmission pipelines, using water to pressurize them much higher than would be used in operation.

  • TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification safely vents the pipeline to be tested. It excavates sections that need to be retrofitted to prep for the strength test. The pipeline is cleaned.
  • The pipeline is filled with water.
  • The pipeline is pressurized to a designated level much higher than normal operating pressure.
  • The test pressure is held for 8 hours.
  • If the test fails, the failed sections are located and replaced. After repairs are done, the pipeline is retested.

Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Hazards and their Controls

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a colorless gas smell like a “rotten egg.” It is highly flammable and highly toxic. Hydrogen Sulphide may be a safety issue for workers in many industries, including oil and gas refining, mining, tanning, pulp, paper processing, and rayon manufacturing. It also occurs in sewers, manure pits, water wells, oil and gas wells.

Hazards of H2S

  • It can cause eye irritation
  • It can cause respiratory irritation
  • It can cause dizziness, headache, abdominal pain
  • Loss of concentration by regular exposure
  • Brain damage, death, and fatal cases.

Health & Safety at Work

Successful safety cultures are led from the top. Your actions and attitudes message your workers that you are serious about their health and safety. Effectively safety management in a workplace requires involvement from everyone to make it safe. To do this successfully, people need to understand their responsibilities and how they can meet them.

Effective Consultation encourages greater awareness of issues and can lead to improved safety outcomes. Seeking workers’ input when making decisions shows them that you take their health and safety seriously. This includes concerns about your workers’ well-being because mental health is as important as physical health. Follow up on your worker’s suggestions and make improvements with a record of safety discussions.

Behavior Base Safety

Behaviour Base Safety focuses on at-risk behaviours that can lead to injury. It focuses on safe behaviours that can contribute to injury prevention. It influences the culture of a business through attitudes and perceptions. Therefore, it should drive leading indicators.

Behaviour Safety – Why?

  • It is reported that possibly 90% of workplace accidents are down to unsafe behaviours/human error.
  • Either intentionally or unintentionally
  • If we focus our attention on the dangerous acts, we can drive change before it is too late.

Offshore Pedestal Crane Operator

Offshore cranes are an essential part of all the platform operations. All materials that have significant weight are hoisted abroad on the platform by the crane. Therefore, offshore-related activities could not occur without the use of a powerful crane. However, the crane can be very dangerous if it is improperly operated and maintained.

The crane operator is to verify the following

  • The pre-use inspection has been completed
  • All controls are in the off or neutral position
  • All personnel shall be in the clear to prevent accidents or injury.

Oil Field Safety

Between 2009 and 2012, the number of serious injury claims in the oil and gas industry more than doubled from 106 to 221. At the same time, several factors contribute to the rise in injuries, one of the most overlooked safety hazards in the oil field. Many of the anchors that are currently being used were installed as long as four decades ago.

It is essential to know what to look for when installing new anchors. It’s also important to consider whether the design of the anchor is suitable for prevailing conditions.

When looking for a quality oil field anchor company, ensure that they have anchors available with the standard rod lengths required. A good anchor company will also be able to customize the rods according to your specific needs.

Overhead Crane Operator

Cranes are machines used to lift and move heavy loads. Because of their great power, cranes can be the most dangerous piece of equipment at a workplace. Every year, Crane-related accidents lead to hundreds of injuries, Several dozen deaths, and millions of dollars in property damage.

Because of the potential for accidents, operating a crane requires great responsibility. Cranes are used in factories, warehouses, and shipyards to lift heavy objects within the area covered by the crane’s area of operation.

Three primary types of cranes are used in industrial settings:

  1. Bridge Cranes
  2. Gantry Cranes
  3. Jib Cranes

Rigging and Slinging

‘Rigging’ refers to any equipment used to attach a load to the crane’s hook.

Slings are the most common type of rigging; they support a load by wrapping around it or connecting to it. Other examples of below-the-hook rigging devices are clamps, magnets, vacuum lifters. “C” hooks and spreader beams.

Knowing safe rigging practices can be just as important as knowing how to operate a crane.

  • The horizontal sling angles become smaller
  • The lifting force remains the same but, the crushing load increases
  • The sling tension increases; it is the result of lifting and crushing
  • The severity of angular or sideloading increases.

Work Permit System

A work permit system is a formal documented safety procedure, forming part of a safe system of work, which specifies the work to be done and the after particularly high-risk work. Permit to work forms should be printed in triplicate. Self-carbonized and serial number, with different colours for the original, first copy, and second copy.  

Depending on the nature of the job, there are many types of permit

  • Cold Work Permit
  • Hot Work Permit
  • Working at Height Permit
  • Radiography Permit
  • Vehicle Entry Permit
  • Confined Space Entry Permit
  • Electrical Work Permit.

Pipe layer Operator

Pipelayers are an essential piece of machinery on any pipeline. The maintenance of these machines. However, it is crucial to their longevity. Pipelayers have a low load cycle. They idle more than traditional equipment and can extend past the typical life expectancy of conventional track-type tractors (TTT) with proper maintenance.

The lifespan of the pipelayer is also highly dependent on the weather condition on which it operates. Cold weather also puts more stress on the machine because the pipe layer has to be longer, and frozen mud makes the machine work harder.

Safety Audit

A safety audit is a systematic, critical examination of organization systems and procedures to determine the extent of compliance with a set of agreed standards. It is usually a lengthy process carried out by a trained auditor, often someone from outside the organization looking at the strengths and weaknesses of an organization.

It is a structured way of accessing an organization’s Health and Safety Performance by supplying answers to a series of questions that often involve a scoring system to make improvements.

Safety Awareness

No matter the size or type of the business, procedures for safety in the workplace are a necessity for all staff. Safety measures protect employees as well as equipment and business property.

Common Workplace Hazards

  • A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm, or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work.
  • Safety Hazards – Slips, Trips, and Falls, Faulty Equipment
  • Ergonomic Hazards – Repetition, Lifting, Awkward Postures
  • Biological Hazards – Mold, Communicable Diseases, etc.
  • Chemical Hazards – Leaning Products, Pesticides, Asbestos.

Safety Orientation

A safe and healthy workplace not only protects workers from injury and illness it can also lower injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism and turnover, increase productivity and quality, and raise employee morale. In other words, safety is good for business.

General Safety Rules

  • Observe all safety warning signs
  • Maintain Housekeeping
  • Keep emergency equipment accessible
  • No Horseplay
  • Wear required PPE
  • obey all warning signs
  • Follow all safety procedures.

Certification Scaffolders

Scaffolding is defined as a temporary structure which provides access, or from which persons, which is used to support materials, plant or equipment.

Components of Scaffolding

  • Base Plate
  • Sole Plate
  • Standards
  • Ledgers
  • Transoms
  • Bracing
  • Couplers
  • Working Platform
  • Toe Board
  • Guard Rails
  • Mid Rail.

Truck Mounted Articulated Knuckle boom crane operators

In our highly mechanized world, cranes are the workhorses that have increased the economic growth and productivity in construction, mining, logging, maritime, production, and service facilities. While driving in urban areas, it is not uncommon to see mobile cranes, tower cranes, and stationery cranes in a short period performing a wide variety of jobs.

Mobile Cranes are versatile machines that can be used for many job applications for loading and unloading materials to placing those materials or personnel up to heights hundreds of feet high. Many are mounted on truck beds and can move between job sites at highways carrying payloads at excess of 15,000 pounds.

Workplace Violence

There were 417 workplace homicides in 2015, and workplace shootings rose by 15%. While this is serious, and we need to take precautions to respond if such incidents happen, we should also understand that workplace homicides are still extremely rare and not panic over such statistics.

There has also been an increase in violence between outsiders and employees, and other customers. The key to preventing workplace violence is to recognize and handle suspicious behaviour before it turns violent; that’s what this course is all about.

Working at Heights

Work where there is a risk of a fall liable to cause personnel injury. High-risk work at height (Ex: Scaffolding) requires PTW & Work Method of Statement (WMS).

Hazards of Working at Heights

  • Falling from height
  • Fall of material & equipment
  • Poorly maintained access
  • Vertical Distance
  • Roofs
  • Deterioration of Material
  • Unprotected Edges
  • Weather

LOTO (Lock Out Tag Out) Safety

It is the physical restraint of all hazardous energy sources that supply power to a piece of equipment, machinery, or system. LOTO also includes applying a warning Tag on the physical restraint device. This document the authorized LOTO personnel and the date. LOTO operations must be done on all equipment, machinery, or system shutdowns before Authorized Personnel can perform repairs or service.

The purpose of LOTO is to prevent injury to servicing and maintenance employees due to the unexpected energization or startup of machines, equipment, or processes.